Business Insider - In November, viral-content-for-a-cause site Upworthy posted insane traffic numbers, reaching almost 90 million people around the world, according to Quantcast. Then, in December, Facebook announced a change to the algorithm it uses to determine what kinds of updates ("stories") users see in the News Feeds. In a blog post, Facebook said it wanted to feature more "high quality" content and fewer "meme photos." That same month, Upworthy's traffic dropped 25% â reaching 67 million people around the world between December 1 and December 31. Then, in January, Upworthy traffic dipped even lower â to 48 million people. That's a 46% traffic decline in two months. The drop raises a few questions. Did Facebook's algorithm change wipe out half of Upworthy's traffic? Was it designed to? In other words, are the people at Facebook set on preventing Upworthy stories from dominating the News Feed, as has been reported? Do they really hate t